Management Controls (MCi) is committed to making the TRACK Platform easily accessible and consistent across supported browsers.
To maximize our ability to successfully support our customers' needs, Management Controls uses statistical data from web visitors and registered users to identify the browsers used by our target audience. We regularly review this data to determine which browsers are eligible for support. Additionally, to safeguard customer data, only browsers which receive security updates from the browser manufacturer are considered for support. We have implemented this policy to ensure that we can provide an excellent and secure experience to a wide user base.
We support the Generally Available versions of the following browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
Because of the increased frequency of new browser versions released by some vendors, MCi policy is to support new versions of our supported browsers released to the market as Generally Available at least four weeks prior to the MCi product release date. If the browser is released after the four-week period prior to the MCi product release date, we will address and prioritize any critical browser issues found by customers in the field against a supported browser.
While additional browsers may be utilized to access MCi’s products at this time, the experience is supported only with Chrome and Edge browsers; any other browsers may lack functionality.
Microsoft Internet Explorer policy update:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11: Microsoft has announced that IE 11 will be deprecated on June 15, 2022, and recommends using Edge as the default browser.
Beginning in August 2022, MCi will stop certifying Internet Explorer to access new MCi application releases. There are significant security and performance concerns with Internet Explorer 11 (see Microsoft FAQ), and MCi encourages customers to move to a modern browser such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.
Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop Devices:
Most of our applications are designed to work on desktop/laptop devices with a keyboard and mouse. While these applications may also work on mobile devices, they may have impaired usability on smaller device screens or devices with touch interfaces. MCi has a suite of mobility solutions available if mobile capabilities are required.
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