Production IP Address Whitelisting - FAQ

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Why do I have to do this?

MCi is updating its infrastructure to improve performance and security and requests your assistance whitelisting the new IP addresses to ensure uninterrupted access to its platforms.


What impact does this have?

By whitelisting the provided IPs it ensures seamless service offerings and prevents potential disruptions to MCi web services for things like Access Control Systems, ERP integrations, Reporting services, etc.

Whitelisting the provided production IPs ensures seamless service offerings and prevents potential disruptions to MCi web services such as Access Control Systems, ERP integrations, and Reporting services.

This update is only for the production environment.


What are the new IP addresses to be whitelisted?


Are these new IP addresses replacing the current ones?

No, these are additional IP addresses intended to be whitelisted alongside the existing ones on your infrastructure middleware, firewall, proxies, etc.


Where do I add these new IP addresses? 

Please coordinate with your Network Team to ensure these IP addresses are correctly whitelisted within your infrastructure middleware, firewall, proxies, etc.


What if I have further questions?

Please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team for assistance.


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